Healing Celery Juice - So what is all the fuss about?
If you are into juicing, then no doubt you have heard of the celery juice movement. I myself knew that celery juice would be healthy, but did not give it much credence. That was before I had some health issues of my own. It is very easy to ignore important health information when you are healthy, because when you are healthy, you have no need to heal from any illness. You are healthy. So even if you begin drinking celery juice as a healthy person, you may never really know the amazing benefits it offers. It is only when mystery illness come along and the medical fraternity can’t help you, that you may turn to alternative ways of healing and look to celery juice for help.
Without knowing it, I had picked up a parasite (liver flukes) at some point during my early twenties (I’m 50 now), possibly when I spent 6 months on a beautiful paradise island in Thailand. The reason that I think it was in Thailand, is because liver fluke infestation is very common in Thailand. The liver flukes are picked up most commonly through eating fish and or foods that grow in water like watercress as would have been my case.. The flukes enter through the mouth, into the stomach and makes their way into the liver eventually settling into the bile ducts where they lodge and begin their 30 year life. Adults lay about 4000 - 12000 eggs a day which as you can imagine, over time is extremely taxing on the liver and eventually the liver won’t be able to do its work. Many of us have a variety of viruses, bad bacterias and other pathogens living in our livers, and the liver will keep them under control until it literally cannot. This is why we can feel 100% well for many years, and then all of a sudden, something goes wrong. It could be due to something like the stress of the pandemic, a divorce, moving home or contracting another virus that pushes our livers into a state of emergency and it is then that we begin to experience chronic and mystery illnesses.
Over the years, my liver became sluggish due to these flukes lodged in my bile ducts. My liver was unable to properly produce bile which then had a knock on effect on my stomach and digestion as a whole. During the pandemic which was a high stress time for all of us, I began to feel constant nausea with a low grade fever, unexplained headaches and fatigue. I had extreme acidity in my gut and began developing serious problems with my digestion. The colouring in my face, was grey and I had dark circles and bags around my eyes. All this while eating very clean and healthy diet for the most part (I’m human). I ran monthly juice detox retreats, helping so many people to cleanse and heal their bodies, release emotions, connect with their own inner being and move forward in their lives. And yet, here I was actually quite sick. I did intuit through that I may have a parasite and spoke with my doctor, but we couldn’t find a thing.
To cut a very long and difficult story short, doctors, acupuncturists, healers and naturopaths couldn’t help me, the endless tests showed nothing. Until a friend of mine suggested that I may have a virus and that I should drink celery juice. I began to fervently research any material I could find on celery juice and came across the work of Anthony William, The Medical Medium. I devoured his first book as I do all nutritional information and then another and another, and immediately began applying some of his protocols. A friend said that she thought that I may have parasites because of my colouring and suggested a course of colloidal silver. 5ml three times a day for 14 days. Along with begin a program of drinking nothing by pure celery juice everyday on an empty stomach. Low and behold, the colloidal silver killed the flukes and the celery juice began the process of healing my liver, my gut and intestines.
In the almost two years since I discovered I had the flukes, I have learned so much about the benefits of celery juice from the knowledge I have gained about it and through personal experience that it has come time to share this information with those of you who need it. I have discovered that celery juice is a powerhouse healing plant that we can ill afford to leave out of our day to day lives.
Celery juice is rich in mineral salts that are critical for our bodies to function optimally. These mineral salts keep our kidneys and adrenals functioning properly to raise our gut’s hydrochloric acid. This is important because this is how our bodies break down and assimilate what we eat. Celery juice balances our PH as well as cleanses and repairs our stomach and our whole digestive tract and most importantly our liver along with many health issues.
These particular mineral salts, are the building blocks for neurotransmitter chemicals, they ignite electrical impulse activity, and they support neuron function.
Celery salts are extremely healing for
brain fog
bipolar disorder
memory loss
Alzheimer’s disease
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as well as people who have difficulty with focus and concentration.
Celery juice enhances the absorption of critical nutrients including zinc and B12 (we are all deficient of these critical nutrients because of the depletion of our soil no matter how organic our food is). Celery has electrolytes that hydrate at a deeper level, stabilising and supporting our adrenal glands and repairing damaged cells in the liver. They also kill bad bacteria in the gut while encouraging a healthy environment for good bacteria making it one of the most powerful foods and medicines of our times. Never mind probiotics (they do have a place), think Celery juice.
Celery juice is a powerful medicine for
urinary tract infections (UTIs)
chronic sinus infections
small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
acid reflux or GERD
non alcoholic fatty liver
tooth decay
If you suffer from a thyroid condition, celery has the ability to cleanse the thyroid of toxins and bolster production of the thyroid hormone T3. Therefore helps to heal
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
Graves’ disease
thyroid nodules
cysts and tumors
enlarged thyroid
parathyroid diseaseand much more
If you are suffering from any of the above problems and want to heal quickly or you have some other disease not mentioned above, start by drinking 500ml of celery juice every morning on an empty stomach. Do it at least 15 - 20 minutes before breakfast. If you can’t stomach the taste, remind yourself that this is for your healing. Try to make it fresh each day, that is when the nutrients have the biggest impact on your health.
The celery doesn’t have to be organic - obviously we drink organic when we can get it, but if you can’t, don’t worry, just wash it well. If you can’t stomach it, then add cucumber and or apple to it. Slowly overtime increasing the amount of celery until you become accustomed to the taste. Don’t mix it with water. It must be plain celery juice.
If you would like to heal your liver and improve your gut health, you are welcome to contact me for a consultation. I offer private online juice cleanses and liver cleanses along with lifestyle suggestions to support your health and a way forward in your life.