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The amazing effects of a juice detox

We can get all the nutrition that we need from our diet as long as our bodies are healthy and as long as our diets are clean with little to no processed foods. When we overeat, consume too many food additives, too much alcohol, too many drugs, not being aware of or suppressing our emotions and are too stressed, our digestive tracts can become inflamed which makes it difficult for our bodies to absorb the nutrients we need. When our digestive systems are inflamed, it is also difficult to process the foods and properly eliminate the wastes which is a normal part of a normal healthy diet. This leads to compromised health as the body is clogged with waste which becomes compacted along the colon walls creating a myriad of health problems.

A juice detox allows the body to heal as the body itself goes through a process of removing unwanted impurities from the liver thereby cleansing the blood. Essentially our liver would normally process these impurities and prepare them for elimination unless our liver is overtaxed with having to process all the ‘wrong’ foods. The body also eliminates toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymphatic system, and skin. Therefore it is necessary to do a juice cleanse now and again in order to preserve our health as well as return to a state of health. A juice fast refills the body with healthful nutrients, supporting us to heal and, and bringing back our youth and vitality.

Juice fasting improves the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. The juices which are prepared by extracting the nutrients infuse the blood with enzymes, vitamins, minerals, healthy sugars and proteins. These enzymes, are powerful metabolic chemicals used for all bodily processes and these now become available for all the backed-up metabolic operations that were put on hold because of lack of enzymes.

Cleansing and detoxifying

Juice fasting is a simple tool to assist your body to cleanse and heal itself. It allows the body to take in nutrients while giving your entire digestive system a rest so that the energy used for digestion and processing of food is now redirected towards healing your body. Much like a service for your car, your body also needs service from time to time. This is the detoxification process.

Benefits of juice fasting

The benefits of juicing fasting are numerous and far reaching and include physical health and vitality and weight loss, as well as having benefits on our more subtle body including developing our consciousness awareness.

  • Your internal organs as well as your skin has an opportunity to regenerate and your whole body becomes clean

  • Weight loss

  • Increased energy and vitality

  • Improves desire for healthy foods

  • Sleep improves

  • Improved gut health

  • Hormonal balance

  • Improved immunity

  • Mental clarity

  • Skin tone and texture improves

  • Hair shines

  • Eyes sparkle

  • Flexibility

  • Improved sense of taste and smell

  • Digestive system and elimination improve

  • Improved metabolism and cell oxygenation

  • Stored up emotions are released and thus allow for deeper healing in the physical body

  • Body fat breaks down releasing fat-stored chemicals (drugs, food additives, chemicals from cleaning products and beauty products, bad cholesterol, excessive mucus and tumors etc.

The recipes for our juices on our retreats are delicious and jam packed with goodness so you would hardly even notice that you are indeed fasting. We also include veggie broth and golden milk made with freshly pressed almonds and nutritious spices. The cleansing process is supported with mindfully practiced yoga, meditation, Pilates, walking in nature, plenty of rest and relaxation, shiatsu massage and healing treatments.