cape town retreats

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Change is the only constant

"Falling into an unknown future, and accepting the fact that it is unknown, is forever the price of true freedom."

- Pamela Eakins

A lot is shifting and changing in our world. Each of us will be experiencing these shifts in our own ways depending on how well we have cultivated our individual ability to live with uncertainty. There really is no right or wrong way to live. How we live is a matter of free choice. What we choose to place our focus and energy on is a matter of what we feel at the deepest parts of ourselves, what resonates with us. This word ‘resonance’ is interesting because it speaks of an energy frequency or vibration.

“Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy, this is physics.”

- Albert Einstein

This puts the power to live the life of our choosing firmly in our own hands. Once we begin to realise that we are empowered to choose our own frequency, our lives begin to take on a very different picture to what we are told by society in general. To be clear, society does not stand around with a finger stating how it all works, no. That would be funny. as if society were some kind of external god. The ever elusive instruction manual for life. No, we are told through the subtle messaging through the behaviour of our parents and guardians. How they related to each other and to the world. Through their relationships with their siblings and their friends and the world at large. These messages were subtle and unspoken, imprinted through our experiences. It is where our belief systems stem from. And in a changing world we realise that if we are to navigate our way forward, we must certainly begin to unravel the unconscious belief systems we all hold. It is these unconscious programs that we carry through our lives that we must re-reprogram or heal according to what it is that we want to create in our lives.


Part of moving forward and healing our past begins first with an acceptance of the fact that the future is unknown. We cannot possibly know what lies ahead tomorrow. What we can do is observe life and learn the immense lessons that life is willing to share with us at any given moment if we are paying attention. Acceptance brings with it a deeply empowered state of mind. It says; “ok, this is what it is and I have choices.”

Acceptance allows us to see into the situation as it plays out in the present moment. As we accept the new reality, we are able to delve into and adjust our feelings and perspectives around it and find a clear way forward. We surrender to the process of change just as a tree surrenders its leaves in autumn and then stands naked through the winter months. When the time is right, the tree very naturally begins to sprout new leaves and is fresh and new again just like spring. The tree doesn’t resist letting go of its leaves. It is nature that guides us through the most uncertain times. Whatever we are feeling, it is nature that brings us back into alignment with our deepest selves. Once we have navigated our way through this process of change, we understand that we are forever different yet, more aligned with our inner being.

Deep Cleansing Juice Detox Retreat

Our Deep Cleansing Juice Detox Retreats are specifically designed to help move you forward in your life. The process that we go through on every retreat is a deep process of cleansing at every level to become clear about our own feelings and perspectives and that these can be changed at will once we are clear what they are if we so choose. We have found that our method of fasting works on the many layers of our being. Starting with the physical body which is inseparable from our mind, our emotions and our psychological point of view. If you only wanted to clean out your body, lose weight and make lifestyle changes, you would achieve this on our retreats but you will get so much more as the process has far reaching effects for your whole life.